Warm Bodies heats up Blu-ray

Warm Bodies, a modern movie that reworks the classic love story of Romeo and Juliet for the zombie generation, will be released on Blu-ray on 17th June in the UK, with Europe to follow.

The movie, a ‘romzomcom’ that follows in the footsteps of Shaun of the Dead, is set in post-Zombie apocalyptic America, where a small group of human survivors have barricaded themselves in a dilapidated city. Adding a new twist to the age old love story, Warm Bodies opens with R (Romeo, played by Nicholas Hoult) already dead and living as a zombie following the apocalypse. Julie (Juliette, played by Teresa Palmer) is a human survivor living in the dilapidated city. When Julie meets R, the pair begin to build a profound human connection, with intense, revolutionary and hysterically funny consequences.

The Blu-ray is set to feature bonus material to bring the story to life, including audio commentary with director Jonathon Levine and stars Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer, as well as deleted scenes. A tonne of funny featurettes will include Boy Meets, ER, Doesn’t Eat Girl, Extreme Zombie Make-Over and Zombie Acting Tips with Rob Corddry.

For full details, head on over to the HD Room.

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