Ultra HD Blu-ray set to impress later this year

Ultra HDIt’s official – Ultra HD Blu-ray is all wrapped up and almost ready to go. If you appreciate a crisp, high definition picture you’ll be pleased to know the new standard promises a boost to 4K resolution (3840×2160 pixels), a significantly expanded colour gamut, High Dynamic Range and high frame rate content.

With more and more consumers getting TVs that support Ultra High Definition content, Ultra HD Blu-ray is set to offer  the best possible in home UHD experience. Licensing will start this summer, with the first discs and players expected to be out before the end of the year. Don’t worry about your current collection though, as the specification also mandates all new Ultra HD Blu-ray players be capable of playing back current Blu-ray Discs.

The format will also include an optional digital bridge feature, meaning you can watch high definition films on a whole range of in-home and mobile devices. For more information, check out the official BDA press release below.



Blu-ray Disc Association Completes Ultra HD Blu-ray Specification and Releases New Logo

Format Licensing on Schedule to Commence Summer 2015


LONDON– May 12, 2015  – The Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) today announced completion of the Ultra HD Blu-ray specification and released the new logo that will delineate Ultra HD Blu-ray products.  The Ultra HD Blu-ray specification, which represents the work of global leaders from the consumer electronics, IT and content creation industries, will enable delivery of Ultra HD content via Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc to the rapidly growing number of UHD TV households.


“For years, Blu-ray Dischas set the standard for high definition picture and audio quality in the home. Ultra HD Blu-ray will do the same for UHD home entertainment,” said Victor Matsuda, chair, BDA Promotions Committee.  “The technical capabilities of Blu-ray Disc, in particular its significant storage capacity and high data transfer rates, will enable the delivery of an unparalleled, consistent and repeatable UHD experience.”


The completed Ultra HD Blu-ray specification addresses a range of factors, beyond simply increasing resolution, that will significantly enhance the home entertainment experience for consumers. In addition to delivering content in up-to 3840×2160 resolution, the Ultra HD Blu-ray format enables delivery of a significantly expanded color range and allows for the delivery of high dynamic range (HDR) and high frame rate content. Next-generation immersive, object-based sound formats will also be delivered via the Ultra HD Blu-ray specification.  Additionally, with the optional digital bridge feature, the specification enhances the value of content ownership by embracing the notion that a content purchase can enable the consumer to view their content across the range of in-home and mobile devices.


The specification also mandates all new Ultra HD Blu-ray players be capable of playing back current Blu-ray Discs, giving consumers access to the vast library of more than 10,000 titles currently available on Blu-ray Disc.


Licensing of Ultra HD Blu-ray is scheduled to begin this Summer.  The BDA is working closely with industry leaders in the authoring, testing, certification and replication industries to develop  the tools and process needed to ensure interoperability between players and software and to facilitate the development of a robust ecosystem to support the hardware and title launch of Ultra HD Blu-ray.

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