True Grit makes an impeccable appearance on Blu-ray

With a BAFTA firmly under their belts and a list full of award nominations longer than both of their arms, the accomplished filmmaking talents of The Coen Brothers have turned their attention to a remake of John Wayne’s classic True Grit.

Rightly hailed as one of the best films of 2011, it’s been nearly six months since its big screen debut – so where’s the Blu-ray Disc version you ask? Fear not, the wait is nearly over. Set for European release on the June 13th, the BD has been given a glowing review recently by US website DVD Talk.

True Grit tells the story of fourteen-year-old Mattie Ross’s (Hailee Steinfeld) resolute search for justice after her father was shot in cold blood by scoundrel Tom Chaney (Josh Brolin). For a film that won the Best Cinematography BAFTA, this noticeably shines through on the BD.

DVD Talk said: “The sharpness and clarity of the MPEG-4 AVC transfer is almost startling; the beauty and elegance of Roger Deakins’s sepia-toned cinematography is marvelously captured, and several of his compositions (such as the courtroom introduction of Cogburn, backlit by shafts of sunlight streaming in through the windows) are worthy of framing.”

“Detail work is captivating (you can clearly make out the beads of sweat on Maddie’s forehead when she is awakened by LaBouef) and grain is appropriately cinematic. Black levels are impressive as well, particularly in the group’s first campfire scene, which is downright gorgeous.”

Whilst the bonus features are a little lean according to DVD Talk, the BD still packs a distinctive punch with its ‘rich and well-executed’ audio making it ‘outstanding entertainment’. To check out more about the film and what you’ll get in the disc set click here.

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