IFA 2010 round-up: Toshiba

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Toshiba made a big splash at this year’s IFA conference in Berlin. Not only did the Japanese electronics giant get on board with both the tablet and the 3D TV revolutions, it also found time to unleash some new cameras, a whole new bunch of TV’s and last but certainly not least, its range of Blu-ray Disc players.

The Toshiba BDX3100KB 3D Blu-ray player will hit Europe in October and will allow anyone with a 3D TV to enjoy 3D Blu-ray movies in full1080p/24fps HD resolution. If you’re not yet equipped for 3D, it has introduced an entry level Blu-ray player in the shape of the Toshiba BDX1100KB. It has the same credentials as its bigger brother, minus the 3D aspect.

Pocket Lint has the full story here.

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