ET phones home with great Blu-ray reviews

Steven Spielberg’s legendary sci-fi epic, E.T. The Extra Terrestrial, is set to hit Blu-ray in just a few weeks (October 22nd) and rave reviews are starting to come in.

Crave Online’s review immediately praises the music, not just for John William’s powerful and memorable score but for the overall quality of the sound on the disc, saying: “The very first thing I noticed on the disc was the sound…it is not just the music that is truly remarkable on this disc. It is the sound design on the whole.”

Elsewhere, IGN heaped accolades on the improvement in picture quality over previous versions of the film: “Compared to the original DVD release, this Blu-ray is leaps and bounds better, with sharper depth and details and a much higher resolution, bringing E.T. to life like you’ve never seen before.”

With reviews like that we’re can’t wait to get our hands on this disc – if you’re looking forward to seeing E.T. in HD for the first time, let us know in the comments.

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