Last week, director Christopher Nolan revealed a new trailer for his highly anticipated new movie Interstellar, due out in theatres in November. The trailer promises a star-studded sci-fi epic set in the furthest reaches of space. So to celebrate this, we thought we’d take a look at some of the other intergalactic highlights you can enjoy in high-definition on Blu-ray.
What else is there to be said about Alfonso Cuarón’s mesmerising space drama Gravity? Starring Sandra Bullock, with support from George Clooney, Gravity tells a simple but terrifying story of survival. And it looks absolutely stunning – so if you want to enjoy it again, Blu-ray (3D if you have the right equipment) is the only way to go. A true modern masterpiece.
If you prefer your movies with a dash of adventure, then Star Trek could be the space saga for you. Revitalised under the direction of J.J. Abrams (now helming Star Wars Episode VII) and with a fresh faced A-list cast including Chris Pine, Zoe Saldana and Zachary Pinto, the Star Trek franchise had one of 2013’s biggest hits in Star Trek Into Darkness (also available on Blu-ray 3D). The crew of the Enterprise face off against Benedict Cumberbatch’s mysterious villain in this action-packed blockbuster.
Not many movie franchises can boast the combined directorial talents of Ridley Scott, James Cameron and David Fincher, but the Alien saga does just that. The famously scary tale of Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver’s career-defining role) and the alien Xenomorpth still wows to this day, despite the first instalment hitting cinemas 35 years ago. The Blu-ray anthology includes a feast of bonus materials, five hours of which are exlcusive to Blu-ray.