Blu-ray still on a winning streak in Germany

Research carried out by the GfK Group, one of the largest market research companies in the world, has revealed that Blu-ray sales continue to rise in Germany and across Europe.

German consumers snapped up seven million Blu-rays in the first half of 2011 (an increase of two million on the figure last year) while throughout Europe 104 million flew off the shelves (up 24 million on the sales this time last year).

The research also revealed that 93 percent of respondents who tested Blu-ray 3D were totally satisfied, and that nearly a third of all German video households now have BD players in them.

“We wanted to analyse how the consumers’ awareness on the format and its acceptance have changed, and which barriers might still exist”, says Christoph Freier, Key Account Manager at GfK. “Overall we can see that nearly everyone in the target group knows Blu-ray by now, and that their intention to purchase Blu-ray products is growing.”

For more information on Blu-ray in Germany, check out

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