Blu-ray Monday: The Artist

For this week’s Blu-ray Monday competition, we’re giving you the chance to take home a copy of The Artist on Blu-ray.

Set in 1927, George Valentin (Dujardin) is Hollywood’s biggest silent movie star. Yet with technology fast developing and the era of sound approaching, his prized career hangs in the balance. Close by, young extra Peppy (Bejo) sees the next generation of movies as her ticket to superstardom and she can’t wait for fame and fortune to come her way.

As usual with Blu-ray Monday, you have two chances to win. For your first entry hit the tweet button at the top of this post. Then for a second entry, leave a comment on this post in response to the following question:

The Artist has won a staggering five Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best Director, but many believe that it was the performance of Uggie, the Jack Russell terrier, that stole the show. So this week, for your chance to win we’d love to know who your favourite animal is from the world of film and why. Are you a fan of Joey, the brave horse from Steven Spielberg’s epic War Horse movie? Or do you prefer your animals cute and cuddly like Marley from Marley and Me? Perhaps your favourite animals are of the animated variety and you’re a fan of the likes of Nemo the fish, Simba the lion or even a certain Kung Fu Panda? Either way, let us know for your chance to win.

To make it easier for us to contact you, leave your Twitter details with your comment. We look forward to your suggestions!

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