Blu-ray Monday – Sherlock: The Abominable Bride

sher2To mark the start of the new year, we’re giving away a brand new copy of Sherlock: The Abominable Bride on Blu-ray, the latest installment of the BBC’s Sherlock series.

Starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Andrew Scott and Rupert Graves, Sherlock: The Abominable Bride transports the Sherlock franchise back to the Victorian era. Sherlock Holmes and John Watson must solve the murder of a man who appears to have been killed by his bride, who seemingly took her own life hours before, making her an impossible suspect.

The Blu-ray comes as a two-disc special edition, with the feature length episode on disc one, and over an hour of special features on disc two, including a production diary, interview with the writers, and a look at how the team recreated Victorian London.

For your first entry, just click on the tweet button above. Then for a second entry, leave a comment below in response to the following question:

Taking the popular series back to its Victorian roots was a bold movie by the creators, with many people enjoying the modern day adaptation of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle classic. Are there any other popular shows that you’d like to see in a different time period? Perhaps you’d like to see Detective John Luther tackling crime in the swinging sixties? Or maybe the drama of Mad Men could be bought up-to-date with a modern day look at the world of advertising? Of course, it could be something even more obscure – how would Eastenders’ Queen Vic pub look in medieval times? Let us know in the comments below.

To make it easier for us to contact you, remember to leave your Twitter details too. Good luck…

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