Blu-ray Monday: The Hunger Games

This week we’re giving you the chance to win the special edition version of The Hunger Games, the dystopian science-fiction hit, on Blu-ray Disc.

Based on the first novel in Suzanne Collins’ best-selling series, The Hunger Games follows the story of Katniss Everdeen, played by Jennifer Lawrence. Katniss must compete in a televised fight to the death against 23 other teenagers to win not only her survival, but fame and fortune as the victor. But when her feelings for Peeta, a childhood friend get in the way how will she cope with the conflict?

As usual with our Blu-ray Monday competitions, you have two chances to win. For your first entry hit the tweet button at the top of this post. Then for a second entry, leave a comment below in response to the following question:

The Hunger Games is based on the hugely popular series of books by Suzanne Collins, so this week we’re talking about book adaptations. Do you have a favourite big screen version of a book, or are there any novels you’re dying to see get the movie treatment? With classics such as Pride & Prejudice sharing the screen with the likes of teen dramas The Hunger Games and Twilight, or science fiction classics like Blade Runner and Jurassic Park, there’s certainly many to choose from. And that’s before we count what’s on the horizon, including a return to Middle Earth in The Hobbit, or James Paterson’s detective Alex Cross making his cinematic return later this year. Let us know what you think in the comments below for your chance to win!

To make it easier for us to contact you, remember to leave your Twitter details with your comment. As ever, we look forward to your suggestions…

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