Blu-ray Monday Giveaway: Black Swan

For this week’s Blu-ray Monday we’re giving away a Triple Play copy of Darren Aronofsky’s Oscar winning masterpiece Black Swan.

Natalie Portman takes the lead as dedicated ballerina Nina whose prim and proper appearance hides a cocktail of paranoia and insecurity. With immense pressure from her mother, flirtatious advances by the company director and the threat of losing her starring role, Nina’s world quickly begins to unravel with haunting consequences.

As usual with Blu-ray Monday, you have two chances to win. For your first entry, simply retweet the following post on Twitter: Tweet this

Then for a second entry, leave a comment on this post to the following question:

Portman’s turn as the fragile performer earned her international praise and it came as no shock when she danced away with this year’s Academy Award for Best Actress. We’d like to know which actress has impressed you the most with their on-screen performances. Has Kate Winslet’s variety of roles from an ill-fated lover in Titanic to repressed housewife in Revolutionary Road left you in awe? Perhaps Marion Cotillard’s turn as gangsters’ moll in Public Enemies or deranged vision from Inception haunted your dreams? Or maybe you’re just a sucker for Jennifer Anniston in her numerous rom-com roles. Go ahead and let us know!

To make it easier for us to contact you, leave your Twitter details with your comment. We look forward to your suggestions!

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