Blu-ray Monday Giveaway: A Nightmare on Elm Street

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To celebrate Halloween, we’re giving away the contemporary reimagining of the seminal horror classic ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’for this week’s Blu-ray Monday competition.

With his tattered, rusty glove of knives, psychotic slasher Freddy Krueger is back and he’s more disturbing than ever. Brilliantly depicted by Oscar nominee Jackie Earle Haley, he is the complete embodiment of evil. And it’s terrifying.

When presented in the pristine, high-definition picture and sound you expect from Blu-ray (all the better to hear and see Freddy with!) this prize is so scary it will make you do exactly what it says on the box – never sleep again!

As usual with Blu-ray Monday, you have two chances to win. For your first entry, simply retweet the following post on Twitter: Tweet this

Then for a second entry, leave a comment on this post answering the following question:

Exploiting primal fears and subconscious anxieties, A Nightmare on Elm Street is renowned as one of the all time great scary movies and Freddy as one of horror’s greatest creations. What horror films, scary scenes or chilling characters have kept you awake at night and why?

To make it easier for us to contact you, leave your Twitter details with your comment.  We look forward to your suggestions!

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