Blu-ray Monday: Epic

For this week’s Blu-ray Monday, we are giving you the chance to win a copy of Epic, the latest animated film from the creators of family favourites Ice Age and Rio.

Epic comes with a star studded vocal cast, including Colin Farrell, Amanda Seyfreid and Christopher Waltz, and features celebrity cameos from music stars Pitbull and Beyoncé. This forest saga begins when a lonely teenager (Amanda Seyfreid) is shrunk into a woodland underworld. Here she learns she must unite with the bugs against the humans to protect their world…

As ever with Blu-ray Monday, you have two chances to win. For your first entry, just click on the tweet button above. Then for a second entry, leave a comment below in response to the following question:

Epic is just the latest in a long line of increasingly impressive animated Hollywood movies. But which animated film from this decade (starting in 2010) is your favourite and why? Pixar has of course continued its streak of hits with Toy Story 3, Brave and Monsters University. But there have been many other contenders for the throne – including the dastardly Despicable Me (and its lovable horde of minions), the Will Ferrell-starring Megamind, How To Train Your Dragon, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, Rise of the Guardians and many more. Which did you enjoy most? Which characters would you like to see again? Let us know in the comments below!

As usual, leave your Twitter details with your comment so we can contact you. Good luck!

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