Blu-ray Monday: Doctor Who Season 7: Part 2

Doctor Who Series 7: Part 2 Blu-rayFor this week’s Blu-ray Monday, we’re giving you a chance to win Doctor Who: Series 7: Part 2 on high-definition Blu-ray.

In this latest instalment of the much-loved series, the Doctor returns with his mysterious companion Clara to do battle across the universe with his sworn enemies, both old and new. The series concludes with finale episode “The Name of the Doctor”, which just aired on TV this weekend and saw the Doctor’s oldest secret revealed.

As usual with our Blu-ray Monday competitions, you have two chances to win. For your first entry, just click on the tweet button above. Then for a second entry, leave a comment below in response to the following question:

The final episode of Series 7 closed several long-running plotlines, including the mystery of Clara and the Doctor’s true identity. However, just as these loopholes have been closed, more threads have been opened up ahead of the much anticipated 50th anniversary episode, due to air in November. It has already been confirmed that David Tennant will be starring alongside Matt Smith in this special instalment (see the guys tease their appearance here), but what else would you like to see happen to mark the 50-year milestone?  Which of the Doctor’s other friends and most terrifying foes you would like to see in the special episode, and where and when in time and space would you like to see him (or them) travel? With six months to go and 50 years of mythology to choose from, let your imaginations run wild!

To make it easier for us to contact you, remember to leave your Twitter details with your comment. Good luck!

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