Blu-ray Monday: Day of the Doctor

After months of feverish anticipation and excitement, the long awaited 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who -The Day of the Doctor – aired worldwide last weekend. So this Blu-ray Monday we’re giving you a chance to get your hands on the high definition, 3D Blu-ray version of this piece of TV history.

A real treat for Doctor Who fans, Steven Moffat’s landmark episode sees legendary Doctors David Tennant and Matt Smith join forces, along with a mysterious new incarnation of the Doctor played by John Hurt, and featuring Billie Piper and Jenna Coleman. The episode will leave you hiding behind the sofa as the Doctor faces up to his most deadly foes, the Daleks, as the details of the mysterious Time War are, after fifty years, finally revealed. As well as paying homage to the original 1963 opening of the much-loved series, this interwoven plotline spans Elizabethan England, the last days of the Doctor’s home planet Gallifrey and sees the Tardis swinging from a helicopter en-route to London’s modern day National Art Gallery. The stunning Blu-ray 3D provides an immersive, out of this world experience, which will make you feel like you really are travelling though time with the Doctor. The Blu-ray 3D comes with explosive mini episode The Night of the Doctor, starring Paul McGann, and deleted scenes too.

As usual with our Blu-ray Monday competitions, you have two chances to win. For your first entry, just click on the tweet button above. Then for a second entry, leave a comment below in response to the following question:

This Christmas, Matt Smith is due to hand over his Doctor duties to new star Peter Capaldi. But where you would like the new Doctor’s adventures to take him; past, present and future? Which of the Doctor’s most trusted friends and infamous villains you would like to see appear in over the next 12 months, and finally, when Peter hangs up his Tardis, who would you like to see replace him?

To make it easier for us to contact you, remember to leave your Twitter details with your comment. Good luck!

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