Blu-ray Monday: Cloud Atlas

For this week’s Blu-ray Monday, we’re giving you the chance to win Cloud Atlas.

An adaptation of the Booker prize shortlisted novel by David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas follows six inter-connected storylines from six distinct periods, spanning the 18th Century to the distant future. The epic movie, starring Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugo Leaving, Hugh Grant and Ben Whishaw, each in several different roles, observes the way we re-cross our old paths and how our actions in the past resonate in the future. The Blu-ray special features include behind the scenes footage and featurettes, with a piece on romance and fate over the ages, and a feature which looks at the interlocking lives of the various characters and the manner in which their storylines overlap.

As usual with Blu-ray Monday, you have two chances to win. For your first entry hit the tweet button at the top of this post. Then for a second entry, leave a comment on this post in response to the following question:

Tom Hanks has built his career on playing a variety of iconic roles, and in Cloud Atlas he stars in no fewer than six different parts. So this week we wanted to find out about your favourite Tom Hanks characters and moments. Was his Oscar-winning and endlessly quotable performance as Forrest Gump your highlight, or do you prefer his more serious performances, such as Captain Miller in Saving Private Ryan? Did his deep meaningful conversations with his beloved volleyball and sole confidant, Wilson, in Castaway, move you, or would you rather enjoy one of his classic 1980s roles such as Big?

Make sure you leave your Twitter details with your comment so we can get in touch if you win. Good luck!

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