Blu-ray Monday: Birdman

BirdmanFor this week’s Blu-ray Monday we’re giving away a brand new Blu-ray copy of Birdman (or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance), starring Michael Keaton as washed-up former action hero, Riggan Thomson.

Birdman is an artful black comedy which tells the story of Thomson’s desperate attempt to restart his career on Broadway in an ill-conceived adaptation of a Raymond Carver story. Everything falls apart from there. In the days leading up to opening night, Thomson battles his ego and attempts to recover his family, his career, and himself.

The Blu-ray version will be available from May 18th. We’re giving you a chance to own a copy for free. Early reviews praise a stunningly beautiful high definition presentation. Supplements include a behind-the-scenes look at the film’s production with on-set footage, and cast & crew interviews; a discussion on the movie’s fluid visual style, characters, themes, effects, and sets; as well as a snapshot at the rehearsal process.

As usual you have two chances to win. For your first entry, just click on the tweet button above. Then for a second entry, leave a comment below in response to the following question.

This year, Birdman won the Oscar for Best Picture. In your opinion, was Birdman the worthy winner? Were other worthy contenders wrongfully overlooked? Selma, The Imitation Game, The Theory of Everything, Boyhood and American Sniper were among the other nominations. Should any of these films walked away with the most prestigious gong of night? What was your stand-out favourite film of 2014/2015? Was it another equally successful blockbuster, an obscure art-house creation, or one of the many foreign language films which contribute so richly to our cultural fabric?

To make it easier for us to contact you, remember to leave your Twitter details too. Good luck…

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