Blu-ray continues to lead the way in Home Entertainment

The latest stats from the Digital Entertainment Group (DEG), a consortium of film studios and electronics manufacturers, have revealed that Blu-ray sales led a massive 50 per cent rise in spending on home entertainment products in the US in 2013.

The figures from DEG show a consumer spend of $18 billion last year, with purchases of Blu-ray products up 5 per cent. The DEG also discovered that the number of homes with Blu-ray compatible devices hit over 72 million in the US. With some of the bestselling films from the past year, including The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Man of Steel and Monsters University boasting impeccable Blu-ray transfers, it’s no surprise to hear that more people than ever before are enjoying Blu-ray.

From a European perspective, Futuresource Consulting estimates that hardware sales in the five largest markets increased by 9 per cent in 2013, and are predicted to increase by a further 14 per cent in 2014. Blu-ray movie purchasing continues to grow, with Futuresource projecting a 19 per cent sell-through increase over last year in Western Europe.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can check out a full break down of the DEG stats here.

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