Blu-ray 3D sales sustain 3D TV market

According to the latest stats by research experts Futuresource, a steady growth in Blu-ray 3D titles entering the market could be a significant force in sustaining 3D TV sales.

The popularity of 3D Blu-rays continues to rise, with Western European sales of 3D Blu-rays forecast to reach 8 million this year, accounting for close to 11% of total Blu-ray title sales.

By 2016, this figure is projected to reach 35%, by which time 41% of all Western European homes are expected to be 3D Blu-ray capable – this means that they owned both a 3D TV and either a standalone 3D Blu-ray player or PS3.

For more information including US stats on 3D Blu-ray sales, check out the full article on

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