Beauty and the Beast Blu-ray 3D review

According to a review by What Culture, the Beauty and the Beast Blu-ray 3D is a visual feast for the eyes and ears. Available throughout Europe now, the re-mastered love story is the first of a number of classic Disney movies scheduled for BD 3D this year.

Viewers have come to expect nothing but the best from animation today, so how does the BD3D and its 2D counterpart perform? What Culture is certainly convinced, saying:

‘In short it looks stunning… Colours are vibrant and rich, black levels deep and inky, and there is a lovely suggestion of texture in the backgrounds…The songs are wonderfully immersive, the orchestra soars and the voices are lavished with perfect clarity.’

What about the special features on offer?

‘A great selection, including the original special features from the DVD version, and also some continued over from the Blu-ray… the feature-length Beyond Beauty documentary sticks out a mile as a very strong piece. All-in-all it’s another very good, appropriate celebration of the film.’

Tempted? We certainly are. With the recently up-scaled Lion King 3D making waves in its cinematic re-release around the globe we think this is only the start of what the wizards at Disney are capable of!

Check out What Culture for the full review.

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