An early look at Terminator Salvation on BD

Terminator SalvationOne of 2009’s biggest blockbuster movies was undoubtedly Terminator Salvation. In advance of its BD release at the end of November, the UK’s Home Cinema Choice has an exclusive preview of the disc and its bonus content.

Fans will be pleased to know that both the Theatrical Cut and Extended Version of the film are included on the disc. HCC reports that picture and audio quality is excellent, suggesting that Terminator Salvation may become a favourite disc for showing off your home cinema set-up.

Moving on to additional content, one highlight is the Maximum Movie Mode, where director McG appears on screen to present an incredibly in-depth look at the creation of the film. This feature first appeared on the US release of Watchmen and looks set to become one of BD’s most anticipated special features. There’s also a large selection of featurettes that look at a specific scene or effect from the film, and a Terminator Mythology section to help fans decipher the series’complex timeline. BD-Live features movieIQ and Cinechat complete the package.

Terminator Salvation is released on Blu-ray Disc in the UK on November 23. Head over to Home Cinema Choice to read the full preview.

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