2016 – The Year of Ultra HD Blu-ray

uDEvery year in January, technology companies from around the world gather in Las Vegas for the annual CES conference, where many make their big announcements for the year ahead. This year, one of the highlights of the show was Ultra HD Blu-ray, the next generation of Blu-ray.

Ultra HD Blu-ray is set to redefine home entertainment, offering four times the resolution of current Blu-rays and support for new features like High Dynamic Range. See our site www.UHDBDinnumbers.com for all the information.

Warner Brothers, Sony Pictures and 20th Century Fox have all made announcements about what films they will release on Ultra HD Blu-ray. Fans can look forward to big-name titles such as Mad Max: Fury Road, Pacific Rim, Man of Steel, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Kingsman and The Martian.  20th Century Fox’s titles are available to pre-order now, with US delivery expected in March, and the UK shortly after that.

Panasonic and Samsung also announced the launch of Ultra HD Blu-ray players, meaning you will soon be able to enjoy stunning Ultra HD quality films in the comfort of your own living room, without having to rely on a superfast internet connection.

2016 is the year for Ultra HD Blu-ray. If you got a shiny new 4K TV for Christmas, make sure you make the most of it by getting your hands on a player and enjoy this year’s biggest films in better quality than ever before!

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