Blu-rays for the Weekend: The Best of Daniel Day-Lewis

He cleaned up at the Oscars this weekend, becoming the first male to win Best Actor three times. So we thought this weekend we would browse through some of Daniel Day-Lewis’ most epic movie performances, all available on high definition Blu-ray:

There Will Be Blood

With an Oscar winning performance from Daniel Day-Lewis in this masterful adaptation of Upton Sinclair’s book ‘Oil!’, you know that you’re in for a treat.

Following the story of a down-and-out silver prospector in California who strikes it lucky when he finds oil, the film charts Daniel Plainview’s (Day-Lewis) rise to power. But as Plainview attempts to appear magnanimous in his success, his darker side constantly threatens in the background, leading to confrontations with the community and his adopted son. There Will Be Blood features stunning cinematography and looks incredible in high-definition on Blu-ray. It’s a must have.






Gangs of New York

The film begins in 1846, as brutal gangs battle it out for New York’s lower East Side in the midst of the civil war. Fifteen years later Amsterdam Vallon (Leonardo DiCaprio) returns to the Five Points district of Manhattan to avenge his father’s death at the hands of Bill “The Butcher” Cutting (Daniel Day-Lewis). Day-Lewis received a best actor BAFTA for his portrayal of the sociopathic, show-stealing Butcher, as he brutally brandished violence and power with disturbing expertise. The Blu-ray version includes in-depth features on set and costume design, as well as a historical featurette on the world’s most famous city.








Nine, the big screen remake of the hit broadway musical, stars Daniel Day-Lewis as the crisis-plagued Guido Contini, an Italian director poised on the brink of break-down. With a cast of leading ladies including Penelope Cruz, Judi Dench, Marion Cottilliard, Kate Hudson, Nicole Kidman and Sophia Loren, this movie evokes the feel of 1960s Rome. The Blu-ray version includes some insightful featurettes, including a look at the female case members in The Women of Nine, as well as the feature Sophia Loren Remembers Cinecitta Studios, which provides an interview with this high profile actress on her storied carrier.

What are your favourite Daniel Day-Lewis performances? Let us know in the comments box below.

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